Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Memorable Events

The latest caucuses in Wyoming have caught my attention. Both Hillary and Obama were campaigning in the usually forgotten state of Wyoming. It was probably easier to get in to hear either Hillary or Obama speak in this state than in any other US state given that the largest city in Wyoming is Cheyenne and in 2003 its population was 54,374.

The reason I bring this up is because the one and only time I ever was anywhere near a US president or a presidential candidate was in 1963 when I was 9 years old. The little town of Great Falls, Montana was visited by President Kennedy. The picture (taken with my little Brownie camera) is dated October 1963 but I didn't make a notation as to the actual date President Kennedy was in town and I don't remember the month. Just in case you are confused, remember that this was taken (back in the old days) by a film camera and then the film had to be developed so that date on the picture is when the film was developed, not when President Kennedy was actually in Great Falls.

I do remember that my family went down to 1oth Avenue S. and stood along the street with probably every other resident of the city and anyone else who came in from the surrounding farms and smaller cities. It was one of the biggest thrills I have ever experienced. And then he was assasinated in that November...November 22nd, 1963...and I can vividly remember hearing that announcement.

There are some events that are permanently etched in our memories and meeting or personally seeing a president or even a presidential candidate is one. Mom

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