Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Making A Difference

My husband's uncle had a tag line at the end of his e-mails that said "anyone can make a difference, everyone should try".

That phrase kept popping into my head while reading a book by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin called "Three Cups of Tea". The book is about Greg's efforts to build schools in depressed areas of Pakistan. He became involved only by happenstance. In 1993 Mortenson attempted to scale a mountain called K2. He failed in his attempt but stumbled into making a much bigger accomplishment in the end. It is only due to Mortenson trying to make a difference that he has affected many Pakistani school children and he probably is more effective than anyone or anything in helping to curb the rise of terrorism. While reading this book I have come to the conclusion that Mortenson makes sense in his assessment that education is key to quelling terrorist activity.

Get the book and settle in for a good read and see what one person is capable of doing. You can order the book online through this link http://www.threecupsoftea.com/and 7% of the proceeds from the sale from Amazon will go to fund the Central Asia Institute, the organization Mortenson founded. Mom

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