Saturday, January 8, 2011

Too Cute!

Whenever I see anything "baby" there is immediately the "awwww" factor. I just can't help it and I am not alone in this. Whatever it is about babies and baby things you immediately start getting the warm fuzzies. In anticipation of my first grandchild I had to get busy making things. I am not much of a knitter, but managed to get this little hat done. I am especially proud that it came out looking like a hat and I didn't have any mistakes (that I know of anyway)! The hat pattern came from Purlbee.

I can hardly wait to see it on the little one's head! Since I had the head covered I next thought about the little feet and knitting booties was a little beyond my skill level so I ended up sewing booties from Anna Maria Horner's book "Handmade Beginnings". 


I couldn't resist the little duck material nor the duckie buttons. So cute! I did have a little trouble putting the booties together as the way I interpreted some of the directions weren't exactly the way they were meant to be interpreted, so I did rely on my handy seam ripper a few times. If I were to make these again, I would use a narrower elastic for the closure. I am not sure why the pattern called for such a wide elastic.Anway they are still cute! Mom


  1. Ahh so cute!! Did a great job on the hat to Grandma

  2. Both the hat and the booties are ADORABLE! I am so excited about the soon-to-be new addition to your family!
